Wednesday 28 January 2015

Third Eco Schools Green Flag for Sciennes!

Wonderful news today that Sciennes received our third Eco Schools Green Flag!

Alastair Davidson and Briony McLaughin from Eco Schools (part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful charity) met with pupil Eco Reps on Tuesday 25th January to assess the Eco work of the school over the last two years. The children were absolutely superb and made an obvious impression, showing their knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, all the various Eco projects in and around school. Alastair gave us some very helpful feedback and advice for taking developments forward, including establishing air quality monitoring in Sciennes Road, and also had a very positive and encouraging manner with the children.

A very special thank you to Mr Kearton for all his enthusiasm and drive with Eco - our reps from last year were particularly animated in relaying all their achievements with him. Miss Kirsty Gallagher, P3 Class Teacher, is doing an amazing job of leading the new and old reps this year and brings so much experience of Eco from Prestonfield (where she also secured a Green Flag for the school). The award is also in recognition of all the hard work of Miss Alison Mackintosh as well as Mr Kearton over the last two years and of the whole team efforts in supporting Eco throughout the school - Ms Christie, Mrs Noble, Ms Anstruther, Mr Scott and Mr Reid, with the entire staff, carrying on the great work done by Ms Emma Kidd in securing our first Green Flag and Ms Claire Phillips and Ms Mel Ross in securing our Second. Grateful thanks to Parent Council members Corrine and Phoebe who have provided such sterling support to the school over many years with the Wildlife Garden, planting and harvesting vegetables for P3 soup making, as well as helping pupils create our fantastic Eco Display board. It was wonderful to have Corrine attend the inspection visit. Alastair commented favourably on the great work in Food Focus Fortnight by Miss Shona Pearmain and thought Ms Anstruther's Sensory Room is an exciting, innovative resource. Mr McKenna's Science provision in P3-P7 was also credited during the inspection. Alastair was enthusiastic about plans to focus on 'School Grounds' and 'Transport' Eco topics over the next two years, recognising the tremendous existing achievements in Cycling and the ambitious plans for the Playground already in place. Great team effort - pupils, staff and parents.

Well done, everyone!

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