Wednesday 20 May 2015

Author Nora Chassler Writes with P7!

Author Nora Chassler
Primary Seven pupils were so privileged on Wednesday 20th May to have an opportunity to work with American author (now based in Edinburgh) Nora Chassler. They gained an incredible insight into the processes of writing as she planned a joint story with all three classes! Nora carefully guided our pupils in moulding a composition, verbalising her thought processes about the key elements of story writing as she worked with them : creating an effective opening; making sure there is a hook to engage the reader; developing character; describing setting; plotting a storyline; finding resolution. By evening, Nora had worked up all their ideas into a finished piece that will be a wonderful inspiration for our pupils' own follow up writing.

Nora is currently working with all cluster primary schools, as part of an innovative creative writing Transition project set in place by Faculty Head of English, Allan Crosbie, and his colleagues at James Gillespie's High School. She has already provided a stimulating workshop for all P7 staff, as part of a morning of inservice from Allan and his staff on Thursday 7th May. We are very pleased to be able to work closely with our secondary and cluster P7 colleagues on this exciting scheme which also involves visits from JGHS English teachers to meet and work with the pupils. The English Department look forward to reading their finished stories which will be on display during their Three Day visit to JGHS 16th-18th June.

Thank you, Nora!

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Miss Thing

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